Ice Jet

Prepare for a frosty thrill on the Ice Jet, an exhilarating spin on the classic Matterhorn! Enjoy a chilling journey, swooshing both forwards and backwards!

This attraction brings back the nostalgic feeling of our classic Matterhorn with flashing lights. Riders spin and swing both forwards and backwards during this high speed adventure.


About this Attraction

  • Wheelchair entrance is through the exit gate.
  • The ride seat is a bench seat.
  • Guests must be able to sit in an upright seated position, control seated posture and be restrained by a lap bar and seat belt.
  • Companion assistance may be required to approach the ride vehicle, enter and exit the vehicle and exit the ride area.
  • After all Guests exit, carriers may be jogged so that the Guest with a disability may exit nearest the exit gate.
  • Do not ride this attraction if you are prone to motion sickness.

ALL TICKETS for Sats and Suns must be purchased online in advance.

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