
View contact information, map link and directions to Canobie Lake Park.

Physical Address

85 North Policy Street
Salem, NH 03079

NOTE: It has come to our attention that some GPS systems note our address as “Bus Rd” off of Brookdale Rd. Our Main Entrance is physically located on North Policy Street.  Additionally, if you just search “Canobie Lake” without putting “Park” in your GPS, some are finding that the address listed is on Sunset Road.  Sunset Road is not located near Canobie Lake Park.

Google Map & Directions

Use link to access Google Map of our location, and ability to find directions to Canobie Lake Park.

Link to Google Map for Directions

Approximate Drive Times

Boston, MA 35 minutes
Concord, NH 35 minutes
Portsmouth, NH 40 minutes
Worcester, MA 55 minutes
Providence, RI 90 minutes
The White Mountains 95 minutes

From Exit 2 off I-93

Heading North: Bear RIGHT off exit, left at lights onto North Policy Street. Less than 1 mile to Canobie Lake Park.

Heading South: Bear LEFT off exit, left at lights onto North Policy Street. Less than 1 mile to Canobie Lake Park.

From Exit 3 off I-93

Heading South: Take LEFT off exit (Route 111 East), continue straight at lights (at Mobil), right at first light (Range Road), right onto North Policy Street. Less than 1 mile to Canobie Lake Park.

Heading North: Take RIGHT off exit (Route 111 East), continue straight at lights (at Mobil), right at first light (Range Road), right onto North Policy Street. Less than 1 mile to Canobie Lake Park.

From Boston

Take I-93 North to Exit 2 or 3 in Salem, NH.

From Nashua and Southern NH

Take Route 111 East into Windham, continue straight at lights (at Mobil), right at first light (Range Road), right onto North Policy Street.

From Maine/NH Seacoast

Take I-95 South to Route 495 South to Route 213 West to I-93 North to Exit 2 or 3 in Salem, NH.

From Rhode Island

Take I-95 North to I-93 North to Exit 2 or 3 in Salem, NH.

From Worcester MA

Take Route 290 East to Route 495 North to I-93 North to Exit 2 or 3 in Salem, NH.

From Hartford

Take Route 84 East to Route 90 East (Mass Pike), to Route 495 North to I-93 North to Exit 2 or 3 in Salem, NH.

Screeemfest opens September 21, 2024! Tickets must be purchased online in advance.

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